Parents of children ages 7 to 13: We are recruiting participants for a research study on how children solve new kinds of reasoning test questions. Students will complete a spatial thinking test and answer questions about how they solved the problems. Total participation is 90 minutes on one day.
Participating students will receive $50 virtual giftcard in compensation for their time.
This study is being conducted by Drs. Joni Lakin and Kaiwen Man of the University of Alabama. Contact Dr. Lakin at [email protected] with questions.
To sign up, please see our study scheduling site:
Participating students will receive $50 virtual giftcard in compensation for their time.
This study is being conducted by Drs. Joni Lakin and Kaiwen Man of the University of Alabama. Contact Dr. Lakin at [email protected] with questions.
To sign up, please see our study scheduling site: